There are four key organs in CCTTFA’s organizational structure.
These are:
- The Interstate Council of Ministers is responsible for coordinating policy issues of TTFA
- The Executive Board formulates general principles and policies to govern TTFA
- The Stakeholder’s Consultative Committee provides feedback on projects and activities
- The Stakeholder’s Representative Group develops targets and monitors performance
- The Permanent Secretariat is responsible for the implementation of decisions and resolutions of the Interstate Council of Ministers as well as those of the Executive Board.
Operational procedures for each of the above bodies are described below.
I) Interstate Council of Ministers (ICM) and Executive Board (EB):
The ICM composed of Ministers of Transport from Partner States, meets once a year while the EB composed of Permanent Secretaries from the Ministries of Transport and one Private Sector representative (Public & Private sectors) from all partner States, meets twice a year although they may hold extraordinary meetings upon request of any member state forwarded through the Secretariat. The Chairmanship of these two authorities rotates annually among member States. The Executive Secretary of TTFA is the Secretary for all meetings that take place in turn in each of the member states.
II) Stakeholder’s Consultative Committee (STACON)
This Consultative Committee meets twice a year but may meet more regularly at the request of a member, through the Secretariat with approval of the Chairman and after the Chairman’s consultations with Permanent Secretaries in other member states (the majority of Chairpersons in consultation with the secretariat). Location of meetings rotates amongst Member states.
III) Stakeholder’s Representative Group (STAREP)
STAREP is established by STACON to oversee its affairs between meetings; however more meetings can be convened by agreement between the Chairman and Vice Chairman or at the request of a majority of STAREP members. However, the legislation currently mandates STAREP to carry out certain functions that duplicate those of the TTFA, such as marketing the corridor (the same is true for Permanent Secretariat activities, including implementation of strategies to improve the corridor). STAREP is charged with responsibility to develop performance targets and monitor performance and to ensure that the Secretariat implements the TTFA’S decisions.
IV) The Permanent Secretariat
The Permanent Secretariat is effectively the TTFA. It has been fully operational since July 2010. Its headquarters is in Dar e Salaam, Tanzania and its functions include provision of technical facilitation, organizational and logistical services to the Central Corridor, as well as organizing the meetings of the supporting organizations and providing technical advice to the governing organs as well as collecting data on the corridor operations.